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Monday, August 30, 2010

Relaxation, Sun, Flemings, Church, Mexican

What an enjoyable and relaxing weekend I had. Friday night I was waited on by my boys. K headed to the grocery while J and I picked up movies. K picked kid friendly foods for dinner and by kid friendly, I mean easy for kids to cook, not eat! We relaxed in the backyard while J had an awesome time grilling hot dogs for dinner. Chips and dip were also on the menu.
My little man did an awesome job getting the outside a little burnt, just like I like! We planned to watch our movies after dinner but got caught up watching Swamp People and never made it to the movies. Swamp People is a new reality show about alligator hunters in the swamps of Louisiana. It is hysterical. I really don't think I would be able to halfway understand them if I weren't dating a coonass and already had a lot of contact with their accent.
I've been really bummed about my running situation lately because my plantar fasciitis kills me for days everytime I run and I am so excited about wanting to do the St. Jude half. Plus now my little soreness in my second toe has gotten worse and hurts for days also instead of just a few hours. Sooooooo I decided to do a little experiment Saturday morning. I'm going to start training as if I am walking the half and see how that goes. K seems to think it will be just as bad on my feet but I'm not so sure. It will definitely be less pressure pounding on it and then once I get closer if I decide to step it up, I can. Anyways, I decided to start off with a 5 mile walk Saturday morning.

The weather had cooled down and I was hitting the pavement before 9am. It was a wonderful walk! When I was through, I took some Aleve and iced my foot down and I barely felt it the rest of the day. Maybe a little bit but nothing like what I would have felt if I would have run. Plus my time wasn't that much less than if I had run. I can walk my ass off and my running times are not so hot so it may be all good :) My plan of attack is to walk 3-4 miles 2 or 3 times a week and then do a long walk on the weekends. I started off with 5 miles and will hopefully increase it by half a mile each weekend.
After my walk, I fixed myself and my boys a "fried" egg sandwich and some pineapple and cantaloupe. J went over to his dad's at noon and I came back and spent the rest of the afternoon at the Redneck Riviera. Once I was properly sunned, we decided to watch one of the movies we rented Friday night.
It was a pretty good and funny movie with a whole list of great actors. Too bad they had to go and make Bradley Cooper and McSteamy gay in the end :(
K and I wanted to go to Restaurant Iris for dinner but couldn't get reszies so we went with Plan B.

Even though it wasn't Iris, we still enjoyed it a lot. We had the seared tuna appy and then split an entree. The special was beef tenderloin topped with a lobster cream sauce and BBQ shrimp. It was great but not as great as the little jewel I tried for the 1st time ever there.

Fleming's potatoes are amazingly amazing! They were some kind of scalloped potatoes with yummy cheeses, jalapenos and cream. To. Die. For!
Sunday morning was filled with Target and Schuck's shopping and I paid some heavy cover charges. It started raining while I was out shopping so I spent the afternoon relaxing on the couch, in between cooking cornbread salad for a farewell bruncheon we had at work today for the Sheriff and the people he is taking with him to the mayor's office. I picked up J Sunday afternoon and we went to church and then had dinner with K at Swanky's. I got the taco salad, which tasted pretty good until I tasted K's enchiladas. They were the best I've ever had besides my own. My dinner was ruined after that so I took a few more bites of his and then filled up on cheese dip. My salad was extremely disappointing after that. Bedtime was not long after we got home. This morning, I did a 45 minute ellip/strength session before work and had a fruit/protein smoothie for breaky. Lunch consisted of cornbread salad, some chicken wings, some spaghetti and regular salad and more cake than I should've eaten or spent calories on. Oh well, maybe next time I will display better self control but probably not. 

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