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Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's through! For now...

After work Monday, I went to Mom and Roy's (J had hung with them for the day). We visited and Mom cooked dinner for us. She made meat gravy, rice, pinto beans, corn, cornbread and salad. I did really well at dinner, made a small plate, didn't go back for seconds.....then Roy busted out the ice cream. I ate a tiny scoop but that got the sugar beast growling and I threw in a cinnamon doughnut on top. So much for being comfortably full. After hanging with them for a while, we went home so K could eat. I brought him some of our leftovers.
I woke up Tuesday morning still full so I waited a while for breaky. I made a cashew butter and jelly on a sandwich thin and had some strawberries and cantaloupe with it. I dropped J off at Sissy's and went to the morning session of In Service. At lunch, I picked J up from the office and took him to Mel's. He was hungry and cared nothing about my trying to eat healthy and begged for some BK so I grabbed a small cheeseburger to hold me over til I could get home and make something else. I got him dropped off realized that yummy, warm, cheesy burger ignited another beast in me. The junk food beast. K called wanting to know what was for lunch and since I was craving junk and was going to be passing a Steak and Shake, I grabbed us some burgers and fries. Great idea, not! Went back to work for a bit, went and did some back to school shopping for J, went home and did some yoga. At least I exercised, right? For dinner, K and I went to Pacific Rim and had a feast!
We ordered the ocean pyramid, the house salad with crab, some nigiri and 4 rolls.

We were stuffed but it was oh so worth it!
Wednesday was the wrap up day of Operation Predator. The day started at 4:45am with a 5:30 roll call. We had 10 arrest warrants to serve and put our hands on 6 guys. The operation was a total success but so much work. I'm glad it's through....well almost through, I still have quite a bit of paperwork to finish. I was starving around 9:30 and ran home and made me a egg/cheese/hot sauce/salsa burrito.

J came home from the May's. I did an elliptical workout and then made us a good dinner. Buffalo shrimp, corn, rutabaga fries and salad. After dinner, we watched Big Brother and some shark week.
Breaky was yogurt, peanut butter, granola and honey this morning with some strawberries and blueberries.

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