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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Let's Do This!

Praise the Lord this day is finally here and I can get it over with! It is Sheriff Oldham's first day as sheriff which means about 2000 officer's commissions expired last night at midnight and it is my job to get all of them sworn in again under the new sheriff. We have been working on this for about a month now and I've been totally stressin so I'm ready to do this so I can stop dreaming about it and waking up in the middle of the night and thinking of more things we need to do. Oldham will be sworn in at 10:00am this morning and then me and my staff start our jobs at noon and won't quit until midnight. Sigh!
Here's what's been happening besides that. Bill finally accepted that I would never be sitting at my desk again and he ordered me some stands for my computer and monitor. I guess he was tired of looking at the copy boxes I had rigged up.

It really does look a lot better. After lunch, I had to run by the library to pick up J's summer reading book....YES I said SUMMER reading. We never knew anything about it. The teacher said it had been posted on the website all summer long. I wanted to scream "Who looks at the school's website during the summer?????" but I kept my mouth shut and got the book. I picked up a new book for me while I was there too.

I've already read one of her books, Such a Pretty Fat, and she is hysterical. I'm sure this one will be just as good. Monday night was spaghetti night at Mom and Roy's. It was the second time I had spaghetti that day. J and I got home in time to check his homework and watch a few minutes of football before calling it a day.
I had planned on doing some yoga Tuesday morning but Monday night I pulled a muscle in my back while moving clothes in the closet so I did an ellip/bosu ball session for 45. Breaky was a berry smoothie after I got cleaned up. Crazy day at work but did manage to get a yummy sammy in for lunch.
Some rye bread topped with hummus, avocado, provolone, lettuce, tomato and hot sauce really hit the spot!

While I was home, I got dinner cooking in the crock pot. After work, I took J to karate and then to meet his dad. Dove season opened today and they were going hunting so he spent the night with him last night. When I got home, dinner smelled awesome. I wasn't sure if I could wait long enough to get the rice cooked before diggin in.

Pot roast, gravy, rice, carrots, potatoes (smashed with some ranch dressing!), rolls and sliced tomatoes. Guess all this stressin has driven me to cook comfort foods :) 

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