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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Yes!!!! Soul Fish!

Since J is in basketball camp and I am getting to work and leaving early everyday, I am eating in house. Yesterday, I brought some of the leftover rotisserie chicken and pasta salad from the lake.

I didn't bother heating up the chicken since I didn't have an oven and I don't like what the microwave does to it. It wasn't as tasty as it had been on the lake so I just ate the part of the drumstick and part of the thigh but the pasta did not disappoint. After work, I picked up J from basketball camp and he was in hog heaven. He had players and Pastner's autographs on his shoe and once I got there, he had me take his picture with all of them. I will post them at the end of the week since they are on my camera and I have no way to get them off right now. We got home and I worked out. I did a mixture of elliptical and strength training while we caught up on some of our TV shows. I came up with this idea last week and am really digging it. It totally cuts out the monotony of the elliptical and strength by themselves and by mixing it up this way, I don't have a chance to get bored. Last night's workout lasted 55 mins and broke down like this:
5 minutes forward elliptical
5 minutes backward elliptical
5 minutes doing 5 different strength exercises that focused on legs, shoulders, back, arms & abs

I did this 3 times and then on the last one I cut out the backward elliptical. I was sweating like a mad man when I got through. After my workout, J and I played some basketball before I hopped in the shower. K went to the doctor yesterday and was diagnosed with a pretty bad sinus and ear infection and had been at home all day resting and taking dis scripts. He decided he wanted to get out for dinner and I was all for it since I still can't cook. We went to Soul Fish Cafe!!!

I love that place and LOVE their catfish and tartar sauce. I wasn't starving when we got there since I had a late lunch but that never stops me from devouring everything that is on my plate so I devised a plan and luckily K went along with it. They serve their catfish fillets in a large and small size. The large has 4 fillets and the small has 3 and they both come with fries and slaw and 3 hush puppies.
The small is still a large portion of food and I always gobble down every bite even though I am full way before the food is gone, so I talked K into ordering the large basket and giving me 2 of the fillets and one of the hush puppies. I then ordered a side of slaw and steamed broccoli and stole one of J's hush puppies. So I was able to get a satisfying taste of catfish and hush puppies without it being too damaging to my diet. It tasted fantastic and satisfied my completely! I ate every bite on my plate like I usually do but since I had a sensible plate, I did not leave miserably stuffed like I usually do. Yay for me!
I woke up early enough this morning in time to get a workout done before I had to get ready for work, I decided to take advantage of the early morning mild temperatures (compared to the 100+ degrees we've been having for days now) and went for a jog. After the Gibson 5K and realizing that I still had some endurance in me and did not have to necessarily do the run/walk combos I have been wussing out on, I did ok this morning. I jogged for 2 1/2 miles and walked 1/4 mile before and after the jog. I did pretty good and definitely better than I expected. I was at a very slow pace but I'm not knocking it because I did it! Hopefully it will all get back to me. In the meantime, this is what style I am having to sport since my heel didn't do as great on the jog as the rest of my body.
Nice, right? After my run, I made a smoothie out of vanilla soy milk, Rob Roy's tropical dreamsicle whey protein powder, flax seed and a frozen fruit mix of bananas, strawberries and mangos and had about a cup or so of mixed fruit with grapes, pineapple honeydew and cantaloupe when I got to work.I'm about to eat some more pasta salad that I doctored up with cayenne pepper and garlic salt and finish out my work day.

 Oh yeah, and I talked to Mom today and she sounded like she was in great spirits, She said some of her energy was back and she thinks her meds are helping the depression so I am super happy hearing all good things from her today.

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