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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wolf River Bridge Trail. Ghost River Kayaking Trip. Baseball, Baseball, Baseball.

After work last Thursday, I hopped on my bike and hit the greenline. I took it through Shelby Farms to check out the new Wolf River bridge. The new area south of Walnut Grove is beautiful.
I can't believe all the work they have done over there and can't wait to get back and explore some more of it. It was a great bike ride and a good workout. So happy spring is here :))))
Friday, I had enough time to go to the gym at lunch and do a pilates class and fit in 30 on the bike. After that, I made sure to get back to the office in time for the Tigers game. 1st round of the NCAA tourny, playing Arizona. They lost at the very last second by 1 was such a good/close game and my nerves were shot. They may not have moved on but I was proud of their effort. They did a lot better than anyone expected them to, can't wait to see how they do next year since  almost everyone is a freshman this year and they made a ton of improvement. That night, K and I took it easy since we were getting up early Saturday morning but it was Fish Friday so we ran up to Pacific Rim for sushi dinner before going to bed early.
Saturday - We got up way earlier than we usually do because we had a date with the Ghost River and some kayaks. We made it out to LaGrange around 9:30 and hit the water about an hour later.
The route we took was a little over 8 miles long and it did my arms in! We had a pretty good current while we were on the river but the mile and a half that was on the lake was all us, no help. I was never so happy in my life to get back to some current.
We stopped at "The lunch spot" to grab a light lunch with some of the others on the river before getting to the lake. Thank goodness I had some fuel in me or I may not have made it. The day was beautiful and we had a great time, even though the water was filthy from all the rain we had and we saw several snakes.....Yuck! After kayaking, we went down the road to check out the board walk that was in the state park and then headed home. We were all fizzled out and knew we wouldn't be doing much that night so we were glad to see a new Netflix movie in the mailbox. Our Saturday night consisted of the movie and a pie from Broadway Pizza.
The movie was very suspenseful and pretty good until the last 10 minutes and the ending ruined it all, it wasn't an ending at all and left us more confused than we were in the middle of the movie but the pizza was a winner!!
Sunday - I decided to try out a new church, I'm still searching for some place that feels like home. I use to feel that way about Hope but I'm kinda starting to feel that they have gotten too big to handle things now. I went to Highpoint and wasn't impressed. I have friends who absolutely love it but it all felt too over the top for me. After church, I met Mom, Roy, Sis and John at Houston's for some lunch and then made a YoLo run since I am free to break my Lent on Sundays. I got a huge bowl of yogurt with butterfinger, white chocolate chips and Reese's cups for toppings.....needless to say I felt sick when I was almost through with it so K helped me finish it off. We spent the rest of the afternoon being lazy. J came home from spending the end of his spring break with his dad.
Monday - Finally got cable run to my office, soooo happy :)
I left work early to pick J up from school. We made a pit stop at Old Navy for a few things before heading home. J had baseball practice and I went to the Republican Career Women's meeting to listen to Amy Weirich, our new DA, speak and then I went to Weezer's 70th birthday party at Mel's.
Tuesday - I was in a total funk all day and forgot to bring my gym bag with me to work so I wasn't able to go work it off but was able to get in a nice walk along the river.

Was still feeling a little down when I got home and didn't feel like doing anything so I curled up on the couch with all of my Criminal Minds episodes I haven't seen and did nothing but veg out while J played basketball with Leegan and K tried to figure out what we should do for dinner.
Wednesday - I felt a lot better today. Got a lot of work done, met K for lunch and got a spray tan. About to head out of here to take J and Leegan to baseball practice and maybe try to rollerblade around the park while they practice. Hope I don't break an arm!

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