Lemon dill salmon and an over easy egg on a bagel thin with sriracha mayo. To. Die. For! Thursday was also a good day because J came home from hunting camp....I missed that little sucka while he was gone and he missed Margo!
Friday was my last day at In Service for this year and was spent on the pistol range which made things more bearable than being in the class room. They let us go a few hours early and I went out to mom's for a while and then came home to start the weekend. We had some of J's turkey that he shot earlier in the year thawed out and marinating since the day before and K fired up the STC smoker. We also threw on some bologna for an appetizer while the turkey breast smoked.
We tore up the smoked bologna and cheese plate, the turkey breast wasn't bad either!
I woke up Saturday morning with J in my face begging for some Gibson's donuts. I had full intentions of eating none of it until we walked in the door and I saw their newest addition to the menu:
After lunch, we went over to the Donnelly's for Brian's Surprise Birthday Swim Party and Crawfish Boil......it was a blast and J and Jackson and i ate crawfish until we were about to pop. We wound up staying there the rest of the night. Sunday, J and I went to church and then came back home to find the Redneck Riviera set up.
After a full day of sun, J and I went to Central Church to watch the slideshow from Camp Tsungani and then he went to his dad's. K and I grabbed some dinner at Swanky's before calling it a day.
Today has been a fruitful one. After physical therapy this morning, I went to Best Buy to get K a birthday present and wound up getting me a little something too!
How cute is this netbook??????? I think I am in love :)
Another good thing about today was our dinner, I busted out the Cajun tonight......
A little boudin with some dippy eggs, toast and potatoes. It was so good! Now I am going to spend the rest of the night playing with my new netbook.
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