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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Unexpected/Unwanted Trip to LA. Green Glowing Smoothie. QT with the pups.

Betty called Friday morning to let us know K's G-Pa had died earlier that morning. I went to work while we waited to hear about the arrangements. I left at lunch to get ready for our trip. J went to his dad's for the weekend and we left for Louisiana first thing Saturday morning. We went straight to the funeral home once we got in town for the visitation. There was more visitation Sunday morning and the mass was that afternoon at the church K's G-Pa grew up in. After, there was a short service at the graveside and then we went to Peanuts for dinner and to hang out with the family for a bit. I had a lot of time to spend with the girls at the funeral home while K, his parents and brothers talked to all of the people that came to visit. We passed many of the minutes messing with our iPods.
We headed back home Monday around lunch and got back in time to spend some quality time with J and the pups.
Not sure what they saw outside but they were mesmerized by it.
My diet didn't hold up so well while in Louisiana or on the trip home: 
But before leaving, I found a recipe for a Glowing Green Smoothie and was able to make it and take on the trip. It was my saving grace for vitamins and healthy stuff to feed my body! These are some of the ingredients:


I took off work yesterday also since I was a little worn out from the trip. I spent the day cleaning the house, doing laundry, going on a long bike ride and then we met the Mays' for AYCE crawfish. I would be so productive if I had enough money to quit work but I don't so I am back here today. Had a wonderful beet, strawberry, feta, shrimp salad for lunch when I met Marcy at the Beauty Shop.

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