Well, I wasn't off Tuesday and J was suppose to go to school but the roads were still pretty bad Monday night so I let him stay at his dad's and go duck hunting again instead of going to school. He was able to get his first greenhead and he was really excited.

He has turned into a hunting machine. I hope he stays interested in it. It's a very expensive hobby but just like Chuck said, I'd rather be buying him equipment for a hobby that keeps him busy and off the streets instead of black trenchcoats and skateboards and bailing him out of juvie. I picked him up Tuesday on my way home from work. I could not get home to bar the doors shut, turn up the heat and put on warm clothes quick enough. The lows had been in the teens with wind chills in the single digits. This weather blows so bad. Wednesday was the same story. Mid week church began again but I could not make myself go out in the weather plus I had a pretty bad tooth ache. I went to the dentist Thursday to get my permanent crown put on and told him about the pain I had been having. He decided to put the crown on with temporary cement in case there was a problem besides the temporary having a leak. I did ok with it Thursday night and Friday until late afternoon. I met K at Holiday Ham for some lunch before he picked up J for Youth Hunt weekend and left town. I ate a sandwich and some chips with zero problem but when I headed home that afternoon, the tooth started hurting pretty good. By the time it was dark outside, I felt like I could cry and die so I took all I could and then took an Oxycontin around 7:30 and went to bed for the night since I had an early morning coming up anyways.
K and J were at it very early Saturday morning and J dropped a doe before I even left the house.
Marcy met me at the house around 8:45 and we headed to pick up Heather and Kim and then headed to Madonna's to go to the Tigers basketball game against Marshall. My tooth was still messing with me pretty bad so I couldn't even enjoy the huge breakfast buffet at the Commander's Club that Madonna took us to at the Forum but I made sure to enjoy some of the bloody marys. We made it down to the game and had pretty great seats. Here are a few of the views we had:

Not too shabby??? Thanks to Madonna :) After the game, Marcy, Heather and I made our way back to my house and just hung out for a while until Marcy had to leave to get ready for a birthday party. Heather and I decided on a change of scenery and made our way over to Dan McGuiness. We hung out there watching the Pittsburgh/Baltimore game, drinking a little Blue Moon and watching Heather eat....still no good on my tooth. As a matter of fact, it was horrific pain. That is probably why I didn't object to starting the night off so early. That and the fact that it was so damn cold there was nothing else to do. Madonna called us after a little bit and was wondering if we would meet her at River Oaks for a glass of wine so we booked over there. River Oaks is one of my favorite restaurants in the city, too bad I had to watch everyone else eat the wonderful food and all I could do was smell it and take a sip of wine. Val, April and April's mom came and met us too and we hung out there until they closed. By that time, my mouth hurt so bad, all I could think about was getting home and getting a pain pill and crawling into bed to hopefully go into a coma where I could feel none of what was happening in my mouth. Heather was suppose to spend the night but she was drunk and her and April and Val were ready to party so I sent them on their way WITHOUT me. You can tell by this pic that I was not into it.

I made it through the night but by Sunday was ready to call it quits. I had not been able to eat any food and was taking pain pills and popping antibiotics like it was candy so now in addition to the throbbing tooth, I had a very, very, very upset stomach. I stayed in bed all day. J and K got home that afternoon and tried to take care of me but there was nothing to really be done without a dental drill. I got vomick sick early that evening and decided I would eat even if it killed me so when K ordered pizza for him and J, I had him get me some cheesy bread. I was able to get down 2 strips of it and then 1 more before I went to bed so my stomach was acting a little better. I got up Monday morning and called Dr. Rutledge the second they opened and got an appointment. J went to Jackson's birthday party at a paintball park while I had some major fixage going on. Rutledge had to take out the nerve in my tooth and do a root canal. As soon as I could get out of there, I drove my butt back to the house and couldn't get in the bed quick enough. By then, the stuff that made my mouth numb was wearing off and it was hurting pretty bad. I took a pain pill and went almost immediately to sleep. It hurt so bad that I was really scared if I stayed up and felt that pain I would have a mental breakdown thinking that it wasn't over. If I had to see this sight one more time in the near future, I was scared I would need to be admitted to Lakeside.

I slept about 2 1/2 hours and when I woke up, just had a dull pain. The throbbing part was gone and I was overjoyed. I was about to starve to death and told K I was eating a cheeseburger for dinner, even if it killed me. He grabbed us some takeout from Huey's and I gnawed almost all of the burger. Damn it was good to have a belly full of solid food! I woke up Tuesday morning almost as good as I was a week ago. I got to work and stayed for a bit but left early to go hang with Melanie. Weezer had been diagnosed with lung cancer and had pneumonia and was admitted to the hospital Friday morning. Mel had been at the hospital non-stop so I went to entertain her now that I could think about something or anything besides my pain. After that, I picked up J from school got him to the house and headed out to Mom's. Me and her and Sissy had a dinner and Go Paint Party date. The weather was pretty bad, rain and fog, and we weren't going to be done until late and I didn't want her driving back home in those conditions so I snagged her up and we met Sis and Pei Wei. After dinner, we went to Buckley's Lunchbox to start our art painting session. We were doing Memphis Music and had a blast. There were about 35 women there and everyone's turned out differently but so cute. Here is a pic of the 3 of ours:

I was really kinda stressing about it for some reason before we got started. I was scared mine was going to suck and I did not want that but it turned out pretty cute! The night was really fun and I can't wait to do some more :)
Here is my painting at the beginning, midway through and the finished project:
I got home and to bed later that I would have liked to on a school night, especially a school night when I am not all the way recovered from an illness but it was worth it. I love spending time with my momma and my sister and this was a great way to spend it! I made it to work on time so no harm and no foul. I had leftovers from last night's dinner for lunch and went out and did me a 5.3 mile walk to revive myself so nothing bad came from it.
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