Day 1 of Week 2 of camp and the kids arrived early.

As I talked to the kids, it was evident that they really love camp and were so excited about another week.
The day started off at Promised Land church with everyone together in a big group worshipping together. After that they broke up into their age groups and went their separate ways.
Lawanna and I are the group leaders for the service projects and our first event was selling lemonade for Many Hopes, an orphanage in Kenya. The first day was devoted to explaining to the kids about the orphanage and how to run a lemonade stand. We also made up fliers for the kids to take home to advertise our stand.
They did a great job and were REALLY excited about getting to sell lemonade...and getting to drink lemonade.
The church where we were working and where the writing and music blocks of instruction were being done is about 12 blocks away from the Promised Land church and the parks where they have game time and free time were a few blocks away also so the kids did a lot of walking throughout the day and they got to play in the fire hydrants that were running. It looked like a lot of fun!
We also had plenty of time for acting silly and doing a lot of playing.
By the time it was all finished, we could barely hold our heads up so we decided to head back to the SheriDan, not the Sheraton, order pizza, hang out and go to bed early!
I met some really amazing kids today, kids that I have already bonded with. There are some real standout superstars but mostly they are babies want nothing more than to he a kid and to be loved. I can't imagine what is going on in some of the households they are living in and it breaks my heart to even think about it but I hope and I pray that what is going on with this ministry can help and save some of them.