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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ortho surgeon, Mom's birthday, R+F meeting, Lakehouse, turkey hunting, King's Honor Roll, sweet time with J

Went to the orthosurgeon about my knee and it seems I have lost part of the cartilage between my knee cap and femur and have overused it causing severe inflammation. I was given a cortisone shot and a prescription anti-inflammatory and told to rest. Hopefully this will put it back to normal in a few weeks, if not, I may need some laser surgery done to file down some of the rough ends on the cartilage that is left.
K, Sissy, John, Tay, Mom, Roy and I went to Bonefish Grille Friday night for mom's birthday.
Saturday morning, I had an R+F training meeting given by Traci Bonds in Cordova. It was a really great session and I was glad I got to make it but it caused me to miss J's baseball game where he was the player of the game and received the game ball. K was there and told me all about it though.
After my meeting, K and I headed up to the lakehouse to relax, play the par 3 out back a few times and watch the Final 4. I did a little work and we had Pickwick Pizza deliver dinner. Sunday morning, we got up way before the sun and headed to the hunting lease to try and nab a turkey. We heard several gobbling around us before the sun rose but never saw them. Later that morning, we snuck up on 3 and were almost close enough to shoot but saw they were all hens so it was a no go. By 10:00am, we were pooped so we stopped in at R&B's for some breaky and then had a good long nap back at the lakehouse. The day was beautiful and I spent part of the afternoon on the back deck doing some R+F work. I headed home while K headed back to the hunting lease to try and get another turkey. I picked J up when I got back to Memphis and we went to Sports Authority to get him a new batting helmet, which was a reward for his excellent report card for the last quarter. He made the King's Honor Roll with a 3.56 GPA. After shopping, we grabbed some dinner and dessert (since it was Sunday and we could cheat) at Dixie Cafe.
We both felt pretty rotten after eating all of that sugar and went home and snuggled up in bed.
He's so stinking sweet when he's asleep :)
We woke up yesterday to storms and they got worse as the day went on. I got a call from CTK around 12:30 to pick J up because the electricity was out and they couldn't have school. J spent the rest of the day at work with me, we went home and I collapsed on the couch for the rest of the night. K picked up some Tops BBQ for our dinner and I napped and read the rest of the night. I got up this morning and the sun was out, I didn't have a sugar hangover anymore and it was a little bit warmer than the day before so my mood had improved. At lunch, I went to the gym for the first time in at least 2 weeks and did 30 on the bike, 30 on the treadmill (WALKING, I have been forbidden to run by the orthosurgeon) and 7 minutes stretching. I feel so so so so so much better after finally getting a work out in!!!!!

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