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Monday, June 24, 2013

State championships

State baseball championships were held in Jackson last weekend. I had been looking forward to it for a while since it meant the end of baseball season and I felt like baseball had totally engulfed our lives but now that it has come and gone, I'm a little sad. I LOVE watching J play and I came to love *most* of his teammates and even enjoyed hanging out with some of the parents. I guess there's always next season......
State championships started Friday night and we had an early game so we came back to Memphis when it was over. We were back at it Saturday morning at 11:00. We ran into Darren, Wendy and Logan while we were there and Logan's games were at different times than J's so the boys got to watch each other play and it was great having friends there too. Jake's team was eliminated in a 10-9 loss Saturday night in the quarter finals but they had a great game and almost pulled it out. The Jackson Generals baseball team's stadium was across the street from where we were and they had a fireworks show after their game. It was pretty cool watching J play under the fireworks.

J's team ready to play
J working 3rd base.
Saturday night's game and fireworks show.

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