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Thursday, June 27, 2013

K's birthday part 1

K's 40th birthday celebration began with dinner at Cafe Piazza a few days before the official day with Mom and Roy. We've been passing this cute little restaurant on the Collierville Square for months and finally got around to trying it. It was perfect and I can't wait to go back. Their pastas are great but the pizzas and cheesecake are what has to be ordered. I do believe they have the best pizzas I've ever had and I know they have the best caramel chocolate cheesecake that's ever been made in the history of ever!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Redneck Riviera reopens!

Saturday night's loss meant no baseball on Sunday and I took full advantage! It has been sooooo long since the riviera had been busted out but I finally did it for the first time in our new house. I cannot believe I wasn't able to get it done last year. After cleaning some more of the barn out Sunday morning, I spent the afternoon reading magazines and lounging in the pool :)  
After relaxing all day, I felt like cooking a huge pastalaya and then right before bed, J, K and I spent some more time outside enjoying the supermoon and watching the space station cross the sky. 
Besides not going further in the championships than we wanted, it was a pretty perfect baseball wrap up weekend and even though I am a little sad that it's over, I have complete faith that I will be able to fill my weekends with something to do!

Monday, June 24, 2013

State championships

State baseball championships were held in Jackson last weekend. I had been looking forward to it for a while since it meant the end of baseball season and I felt like baseball had totally engulfed our lives but now that it has come and gone, I'm a little sad. I LOVE watching J play and I came to love *most* of his teammates and even enjoyed hanging out with some of the parents. I guess there's always next season......
State championships started Friday night and we had an early game so we came back to Memphis when it was over. We were back at it Saturday morning at 11:00. We ran into Darren, Wendy and Logan while we were there and Logan's games were at different times than J's so the boys got to watch each other play and it was great having friends there too. Jake's team was eliminated in a 10-9 loss Saturday night in the quarter finals but they had a great game and almost pulled it out. The Jackson Generals baseball team's stadium was across the street from where we were and they had a fireworks show after their game. It was pretty cool watching J play under the fireworks.

J's team ready to play
J working 3rd base.
Saturday night's game and fireworks show.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Last weekend into Monday night

K and I had a Friday night date to go to dinner at Jackson's on the Square, a new restaurant in Arlington we had been wanting to try out but before dinner, we had happy hour in the hood on the side by side.

Saturday was spent at a crawfish boil and pool party for David's 40th birthday. 
Sunday was an early early one since Jake had to be on the bus at church at 6am to leave for the Fall Creek Falls Youth trip. Plans for later in the day included a spaghetti DINNER for the fam for Father's Day but they showed up around noon for a spaghetti LUNCH and I had nothing to give them. Our family has serious communication problems. Everyone decided to take a rain check on the dinner since no one really wanted to drive back out to the house a few hours later so K & I took advantage of a Sunday with nothing to do by napping and watching movies.
Monday night I got to have some girl time with Jess, Mel and Wendy Feathers (who I hadn't seen in forever!). We tried out a new restaurant at Overton Square, Bar Louie, and found our new favorite drink. Had to snap a pic to make later on at the house because the coconut mint lemonade was superb. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Thursdays on the Square

There is a concert every Thursday night on the square in Collierville & it's a really good time...especially when the weather is as nice as it was last week. I can't wait to go back. Next time I'm going to go hungry though because the food trucks had some pretty awesome offerings!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

FedEx St. Jude Golf Classic

Since J's baseball team didn't have their first game of this weekend's tournament until 9:30 Friday night, we had time to make it out the the FESJC for a few hours Friday afternoon. We followed Phil Mickelson and after he finished the 18th hole, we hung out there to watch a few more groups. The weather was absolutely perfect especially considering the last time I was out there it was about 103 degrees. The rest of Friday and Saturday centered around baseball and getting things done around the house; mainly getting our living room cleaned and back in order since we had repairs done on the ceiling all last week.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Blessings > Worries

There are some things I am struggling with right now in my life, nothing that I am ready to put into writing except to say that I am having a real problem letting go of MY timing & planning and trusting God's timing and plans. Through all of this it is such a comfort to me to know that I have the best person in the world standing beside me through it all. God brought him to me later in my life than I wanted but it was definitely the exact perfect timing so I continue to remind myself that he knows best and all I have to do is wait for the perfect plan.

Dog park

Sunday afternoon was a gorgeous one and we had nothing going on since all of the rain on Saturday made the ball fields unplayable, so J, Margo and I loaded up and headed to Shelby Farms Dog Park.
It has been a while since we brought Margo to the dog park, like years and years kind of a while, and apparently in her older age, she has grown a bit antisocial.....which I get. She was more content to sit with us on the bench or hike along the unpopulated trails that we found.
However, she did make it into the edge of the water a few times and managed to socialize a little bit.

The cutest thing I saw last weekend....

....was this little guy. 
Jake had a tournament at Cameron Brown in Germantown when K and I spotted this little guy. He is 4 years old, has an older brother that plays baseball and is already ready to follow in his footsteps. His dad must have tossed him 100 balls and he never grew tired of hitting. K and I had the best time watching him, it brought back memories of Ryan for K.